Section 61. Enforcement. Enforcement of the covenants, conditions, restnct10ns, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, liens, charges and other provisions contained in this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws or rules and regulations of the Association, as amended, shall be by any proceeding at law or in equity against any person or persons, including without limitations the Association, violating or attempting to violate any such provision. The Association and any aggrieved Owner shall have the right to institute, maintain and/or prosecute any such proceedings, and the Association shall further have the right to levy and collect fines for the violation of any provision of the aforesaid documents in any action instituted or maintained under this Section, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred pursuant thereto, as well as any and all other sums awarded by the Court. Failure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 

Section 62. Severability. Invalidation of any of the covenants, restrictions or other provisions contained in this Declaration by judgment or court order shall in no way affect or limit any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 

Section 63. Easements. Easements for the installation and maintenance of utilities, irrigation and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of the Property, or any portion thereof, or other duly recorded instrument(s). Within these easements no fencing, structure, planting or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of utilities, or which may change the direction of flow of drainage channels in the easements. Declarant hereby reserves the right to enter upon the Property to correct any flow of water and to establish ad re-establish drainage channels. 

Section 64. Conflict of Provisions. In case of any conflict between this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association, this Declaration shall control. 
Section 65. Street Lighting. Unless street lighting and the cost thereof is provided by the community in which jurisdiction this subdivision is situated, all Lots shall be subject to and bound to Grand Valley Rural Power tariffs which are now and may in the future be filed with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado relating to street lighting in this subdivision, together with rates, rules and regulations therein provided and subject to all future amendments and changes on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. 
Section 66. Duration, Revocation, and Amendment

1. Each and every provision of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land for a term of twenty (20) years from the date of recording of this Declaration, after which time this Declaration shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten ( 10) years each. Except as provided in Article X hereof and in Subsections (b) and (c) of this section 6, this Declaration may be amended during the first twenty (20 year period, and during subsequent extensions thereof, by any instrument approved in writing by not less than sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Members. Such amendment shall be effective when duly recorded in Mesa County, Colorado. 

2. If Declarant shall determine that any amendments to this Declaration or any amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association shall be necessary in order for existing or future mortgages, deeds or trust or other security instruments to be acceptable to any of the Agencies, Declarant shall have and is hereby specifically granted the right and power to make and execute any such amendment to this Declaration prior to termination of the Declarant's control of the Association. 

3. Declarant hereby reserves and is granted the right and power to record technical amendments to this Declaration, Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association at any time prior to the termination of Declarant's control of the Association, for the purposes of correcting spelling, grammar, dates, typographical errors, or as may otherwise be necessary to clarify the meaning of any provision of any such document. 

4. All other amendment, if any, shall require the written consent of fifty-five percent (55%) of the membership and a recorded amendment duly executed and notarized by such members. 

Section 67. Rights of Declaration Incident to Construction. An easement is hereby retained by and granted to Declarant, its successors and assigns, for access, ingress and egress over, in, upon, under, and across any Common Area, including but not limited to the right to store materials thereon and to make such other use thereof as may be reasonably necessary or incidental to DeclaranCs or its designees' construction on the Property; provided, however, that no such rights or easements shall be executed by Declarant in such a manner as to unreasonably interfere with the occupancy, use, enjoyment, or access by any Owner, his family members, guests, or invitees, to or of that Owner's Lot. Declarant, for itself and its successors and assigns, hereby retains a right to store construction materials on Lots owned by Declarant and to make such other use thereof as may be reasonably necessary or incidental for the purpose of the completion or improvements of the Property, the performance of Declarant' s obligations hereunder, and the sale of the Lots. Any special Declarant right created or served under this Article or elsewhere is this Declaration for the benefit of Declarant may be transferred to any person by an instrument describing the rights transferred and recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder for the County of Mesa. The rights of Declarant reserved in this Section 8 shall expire five (5) years after the recording of this Declaration. Such instrument shall be executed by Declarant and its transferee. Any rights granted to Declarant under this Declaration shall expire on the date which is ten ( 10) years from the recording date of this Declaration, unless otherwise provided herein. 

Section 68. Easement for Encroachments. If any portion of a structure encroaches upon any Common Area or upon any adjoining Lot, or if any portion of any Common Area encroaches upon any Lot, including any future encroachments arising or resulting from the repair or reconstruction of a structure subsequent to its damage, destruction or condemnation, a valid easement on the surface and for subsurface support below such surf ace and for the maintenance of same, so long as it stands, shall and does exist. 

Section 69. Registration by Owner of Mailing Address. Each Owner shall register his mailing address with the Association, and except for statements and other routine notices, all other notices or demands intended to be served upon an Owner shall be sent by either registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the Owner at such registered mailing address. However, if any Owner fails to so notify the Association of a registered address, then any notice or demand may be sent to such Owner at the address of such Owner's Lot. Section 7 .19 of Mesa County Land Development Code must be adhered to.