Section 49. Composition of Committee. The Architectural Control Committee ("ACCO") shall consist of three (3) or more persons appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association; provided, however, that until Declarant has conveyed all Lots to Owners other than the Declarant, or until three (3) years after the date of recording of this Declaration in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Mesa County, Colorado, whichever occurs earliest, Declarant shall appoint the Architectural Control Committee. A majority of the Committee may, from time to time, designate a representative to act for it. Reasonable effort shall be made to have a licensed architect as a Committee member. The power of the Declarant to "appoint" as provided herein, shall include without limitation the power to: initially constitute the membership of the Architectural Control Committee, appoint member(s) to the Architectural Control Committee upon the occurrence of any vacancy therein, for whatever reason remove any member of the Architectural Control Committee, with or without cause, at any time, and appoint the successor thereof; and each such appointment may be made for such term(s) of office, subject to the aforesaid power of removal, as may be set from time to time at the discretion of the Declarant. All improvements within the Property constructed by Declarant during the period in which it appoints the Architectural Control Committee shall be deemed approved by the Committee without the issuance of any writing evidencing such approval. The ACCO shall have the right to adopt Architectural Control Guidelines from time to time to assist owners in applying for ACCO approval. 

Section 50. Prior Approval. No buildings or exterior improvements of any kind, including (without limitation) driveways leading to the various structures within Christopher Estates shall be constructed, remodeled or altered in any fashion on any lands within Christopher Estates nor may any vegetation be altered or destroyed, nor any landscaping performed unless two (2) complete sets of plans and specifications for such construction or alteration or landscaping are submitted to and approved by the ACCO prior to the commencement of such work. All applications shall be submitted to the ACCO in writing, if the ACCO fails to take any action within thirty days after complete architectural plans and specifications for such work have been submitted to it, then all of such submitted plans and specifications shall be deemed to be approved. The ACCO may adopt rules and regulations for processing of such applications, including a reasonable processing fee. 

1. l "= 10' scale site plan showing property boundaries, setbacks, building envelope, principal and accessory buildings, driveway location and width, surface drainage and fencing. 

2. Building elevations (four views) and floor plans.

3. Engineered foundation plans by a licensed engineer.

4. Samples of roof and external materials along with field trim and accent colors for principal and accessory buildings. 

5. Landscape plans shall be in a 1" = 10' scale and shall include plant quantity and types, fencing, drainage, irrigation and other site improvements. 
The ACCO shall disapprove any plans and specifications submitted to it which are not sufficient for it to exercise the judgment required of it by those covenants. 

Section 51. Variance. Where circumstances such as topography, location of trees, brush, rock outcroppings, area aesthetic considerations, or other matters require or allow, the ACCO may, by two-thirds vote, allow reasonable variances as to any of those covenants, including required sizes of structures, setback or side yard requirements, on such terms and conditions as it shall require. Opinions of adjoining property owners shall be considered in any such decisions. 

Section 52. Best Judgment. The ACCO shall exercise its best judgment to see that all improvements, structures, landscaping and all alterations on the land within Christopher Estates conform and harmonize with the natural surroundings and with existing structures as to external design, materials, color, siding, height, topography, grade, drainage, erosion control and finished ground elevations. 

Section 53. Time. After approval of any plan by the ACCO, the same shall be completed with due diligence in conformity with conditions of approval, if any. Failure to adhere to any term of approval shall operate automatically to revoke the approval, and the ACCO may require the property to be restored as nearly as possible to its previous state. The time for completion of any such work may be extended by the ACCO. 

Section 54. Liability. The ACCO, the Developer, or any owner shall not be liable in damages to any person, corporation or association submitting any plans and specifications or to any owner by reason of any action, failure to act, approval, disapproval, or failure to approve or disapprove any such plans and specifications. Any owner submitting or causing to be submitted any plans and specifications to the ACCO agrees and covenants that he will not bring any action or suit to recover damages against the ACCO, the Developer or any owner collectively, its members individually or its advisors, employees or agents. 

Section 55. Procedures. The Architectural Control Committee shall approve or disapprove all requests for architectural control approval within thirty (30) days after the complete submission of copies of all plans, specifications and other materials which the Committee may require in conjunction therewith. In the event that the Architectural Control Committee fails to approve or disapprove any request within thirty (30) days after the complete submission of all plans, specifications, materials and other information with respect thereto, approval shall not be required and this Article shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. 

Section 56. Vote and Appeal. A majority vote of the Architectural Control Committee is required to approve a request for architectural approval pursuant to this Article. An Owner may appeal the decision of the Architectural Control Committee to the Board of Directors composed of different members than the Architectural Control Committee, and in such event, the decision of the Board shall be final. 

Section 57. Records. The Architectural Control Committee shall maintain written records of all applications submitted to it and all actions taken by it thereon and such records shall be available to Members for inspection at reasonable hours of the business day. 

Section 58. Liability. The Architectural Control Committee and the members thereof shall not be liable in damages to any person submitting requests for approval or to any Owner, by reason of any action, failure to act, approval, disapproval, or failure to approve or disapprove in regard to any matter within its jurisdiction hereunder. 

Section 59. Variance. The Architectural Control Committee may grant reasonable variances or adjustments from any conditions and restrictions imposed by this Article, in order to overcome practical difficulties and prevent unnecessary hardships arising by reason of the application of the conditions and restrictions contained in this Article. Such variances or adjustments shall be granted only in case the granting thereof shall not be materially detrimental or injurious to the other property or improvements in the neighborhood and shall not militate against the general intent and purpose thereof.

Section 60. Waivers. The approval or consent of the Architectural Control Committee to any application for architectural approval shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any right to withhold or deny approval or consent by the Committee as to any application or other matters whatsoever subsequently or additionally submitted for approval or consent hereunder.